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26 December 2022

Happy New Year! The Year of Miracles!

At the end of 2022, we did a little survey among our employees at Incab.

The question was, “What is a miracle for you?” and we asked for an example. It turned out that Incabians assume miracles as fairly simple things: the birth of a granddaughter, a stable job, a good relationship with colleagues, etc. Some kind of non-magical miracles, let’s say 🙂 But this is only at first glance.

In a transforming world – to live at all, to share your everyday life with your family, to create a cool product, to improve the place where you live is miracle enough.

May our lives be full of simple miracles! The main thing is to notice them and be grateful for them 🙂

Get your digital gifts from Incab and share with those who need miracles the most.